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Load when visible

Inertia supports lazy loading data on scroll using the Intersection Observer API. It provides the WhenVisible component as a convenient way to load data when an element becomes visible in the viewport.

The WhenVisible component accepts a data prop that specifies the key of the prop to load. It also accepts a fallback prop that specifies a component to render while the data is loading. The WhenVisible component should wrap the component that depends on the data.

<script setup>
import { WhenVisible } from '@inertiajs/vue3'

  <WhenVisible data="permissions">
    <template #fallback>
    <div v-for="permission in permissions">
      <!-- ... -->

If you'd like to load multiple props when an element becomes visible, you can provide an array to the data prop.

<script setup>
import { WhenVisible } from '@inertiajs/vue3'

  <WhenVisible :data="['teams', 'users']">
    <template #fallback>
    <!-- Props are now loaded -->

Loading before visible

If you'd like to start loading data before the element is visible, you can provide a value to the buffer prop. The buffer value is a number that represents the number of pixels before the element is visible.

<script setup>
import { WhenVisible } from '@inertiajs/vue3'

  <WhenVisible data="permissions" :buffer="500">
    <template #fallback>

    <div v-for="permission in permissions">
      <!-- ... -->
<script setup>
import { WhenVisible } from '@inertiajs/vue3'

  <WhenVisible data="products" as="span">
    <!-- ... -->

Always trigger

By default, the WhenVisible component will only trigger once when the element becomes visible. If you want to always trigger the data loading when the element is visible, you can provide the always prop.

This is useful when you want to load data every time the element becomes visible, such as when the element is at the end of an infinite scroll list and you want to load more data.

Note that if the data loading request is already in flight, the component will wait until it is finished to start the next request if the element is still visible in the viewport.

<script setup>
import { WhenVisible } from '@inertiajs/vue3'

  <WhenVisible data="products" always>
    <!-- ... -->